Game Log 3 - Imagine

DAG 3:

Game Log 3

Imagine phase


Game Master: Safine

Storyteller: Mads

Artist: Clara

Designer: Vilma

Crafter: everyone

Methods: Decision dash, rapid mockup, interactive mockup

PsyKiosk is a game that challenges the players' own ethics and morals in a world where what is fair is not always obvious. PsyKiosk is a point-and-click adventure that challenges players’ ethics and morals in a world where fairness is not always clear-cut. Players face difficult moral choices, but regardless of their decisions, the endgame remains the same—deliberately creating a sense of frustration. This design choice is meant to provoke reflection on the illusion of choice and raise questions about fairness, morality, and personal ethics.

The game focuses on the European values of “Ethics and Morals” and “Rule of Law”, prompting players to consider:

  • What makes a person ‘good’ or ‘bad’?
  • What defines a fair or unfair choice?
  • Does intention matter more than outcome?

We have continued working on our graphics, using Figma to create our interface, and at the same time we thought out our storyline, to make the decision choices clearer and get an overview of what scenes are important to implement in our game. 

We then playtested our storyline on impartial game jam members, vocally guiding them through the options, choices and consequences. 

Feedback from playtest:

  • Buy him the soup
  • More extreme choices
  • A timer for a choice
  • A scenario with a lot of choices (15+)
  • Unreadable answers (new language, mirrored text, blurry)
  • Sour route (distorted sound and visuals)
  • Less text, more visual (show don't tell)
  • Focus on the first 30 seconds (ensure the player understands the game quickly)
  • Unclear choices where you have to weigh the consequences yourself
  • Questions without context (a person enters the store: help him or not)

The Imagine phase has helped us clarify our narrative, refine our moral dilemmas, and gather targeted playtest feedback to improve the player experience. Moving forward, we will focus on implementing these insights into a playable prototype that fully embodies our vision of morality, choice, and fairness in an unfair world.

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